Looking for Troy

The Fall of Troy, Peter Ackroyd, 2007

Heinrich Schliemann heinrich_schliemann.jpg

The latest by British historical novelist, the much decorated Ackroyd, is a fanciful take on the 1870s dig by German amateur archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann. Obermann in the novel is forceful man with a foggy past who is obsessed with Homer and the tale of Troy’s destruction. He is wealthy and seeks out a young beautiful Greek wife, Sonia, versed in the writings of Homer. He takes his new bride to the plains and mound of Troy absolutely convinced that the site is the lost city described by Homer. No discovered facts will stand in his way as he digs through untold layers of irreplaceable historical artifacts looking only for an ancient Greek city. No Asian (middle eastern) influence can be allowed in this Western European city. Along the way he hides and smuggles valuables away from the Turks who now control the area to Sophia’s father in Athens. When Sophia discovers clay writing tablets with an unknown script, the tale takes off. Very entertaining exploration of love, obsession, and jealousy complete with a staged rerunning of Achilles race with Hector.

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