Orson Welles – The Life of Orson Welles

  • Orson Welles 1orsonwells
    Today was Orson Welles birthday. Orson was discovered to be a genius when he was 18 months old. America had two great originals, Orson Wells and Marlon Brando, both became copious, funny, strange and tragic.
    Welles “Lobbied to get the part of Don Vito Corrleone in The Godfather (1972). Francis Ford Coppola, a fan of his, had to turn him down because he already had Marlon Brando in mind for the role and felt Welles wouldn’t be right for it. ” (from Yahoo imdb trivia).


    The Life of Orson Welles.

    Filmjourney> reviews “F for Fake”. “But the film could also have been called “F for Fame,” as one of the film’s preoccupations is the way notoriety and personality can overwhelm art, imposing notions of “authenticity” and “fakery,” “expertise” and “value,” in ways that are less certain than one might assume.”

    Looks like Welles, feels like Welles., from filmbrain.

    Some trivia; in Casino Royale Peter Sellers refused to act with Orson Wells., their scenes had to be shot separately. Orson was not impressed with Sellers, whom he found pretentious. (from his biography by Barbara Leaming”.)

    H.G. Wells was driving through San Antonio, Texas and stopped to ask the way. The person he happened to ask was none other than Orson Welles who had recently broadcast “The War of the Worlds” on the radio. They got on well and spent the day together. (From Yahoo. imbd).

  • 1abOrsonTrial
    Kafka’s “The Trial” featured legendary actors, Anthony Perkins, Romy Schneider and Jeanne Moreau, read the review, here, .

    The scene of K’s office was filmed in the Paris train station, Gare d’Orsay, shortly after it was closed and before it became an art museum.

    (Dean Stockwell, Bradford D. and Orson Welles in Compulsion)