Waste Land, Dead Drops & Mud House

So the garbage from the millionaire’s mansion mixes with the garbage from the poorest favela?
Vik Muniz

The film’s representation of this ambitious venture begins by introducing Muniz, whose own story is as unlikely as those of his subjects. He grew up in a working class family in São Paolo, he tells an audience in footage from 1998, and in 1982, he was involved in a street fight (trying to stop it, he says). “As I was going back to the car,” he says, “I get shot by a guy who thought I was one of the guys fighting with him.” As a result, Muniz received a payment from the shooter, enough to buy a ticket to New York in 1983. He sums up: “That’s why I’m talking to you today, because I got shot in the leg.”
(via Popmatters)

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    Brian Liloia is 25-year-old currently living at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage in northeastern Missouri, learning to fulfill his desires to live more sustainably and self-sufficiently.

    This is The Year of Mud, a blog all about building with cob.
    About Year of Mud here.