Rumer Godden – Black Narcissus

Margaret Rumer Godden was born in Eastbourne on December 10, 1907, but she is indelibly associated with India. Her father managed the Brahmaputra River Steam Navigation Company.

Rumer Godden Author of The River (Jean Renoir) – The Black Narcissus

  • Gorgeous cinematography by Jack Cardiff.

    Godden Life is a Story in itself

    Rumer Godden wrote because she was driven by visceral promptings. In her 1946 novel, The River, she describes her heroine’s response to writing a poem she knows to be good: “It felt alive, as she did. She felt alive and curiously powerful, and full of what seemed to her a glory.” Writing was her lifeblood.

    Radha’Dance from the River

  • Emily Dickinson – December 10 birthday (Reading by Bill Murray to construction workers – I Dwell in Possibility)