Adieu Antoine Duhamel – Film Composer For Godard & Truffaut

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    Antoine Duhamel (30 July 1925 – 11 September 2014) was a French composer, orchestra conductor and music teacher.

    Antoine Duhamel filmography

    Top tracks for Antoine Duhamel

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    In 2002 he was awarded the Silver Bear at the Berlin Film Festival for his music for the Bertrand Tavernier directed film, Laissez-passer.

    Safe Conduct (Laisser-Passer) by Bertrand Tavernier.
    The film is almost 3 hours long. The first half was a bit frantic and confusing but the last half the film began to take shape and delivers.
    Filmmaking under Nazi rule during the occupation in France is the theme and the central character played by an actor who was a real biker made this cycling resistence movie memorable. The film deals with a controversial and difficult subject.

    Ridicule composed by Duhamel (Ridicule is a film about Wit.. a great film by Patrice Leconte).

    Antoine Duhamel :Les Charmes du Japon (Truffaut – Antoine Doinel series)