Celebrate Our Greatest Talk Show Host Dick Cavett – 2022

  • “I do remember Nebraska idyllic images. Playing guns with my friends, or kick-the-can, or ditch, watching airplanes drone overhead on lazy Sunday afternoons, collecting June bugs in a jar on summer nights, playing statues, making mud slippers. … I know there are people who can’t dredge up a single pleasant memory of their childhood, and I can come up with a hundred from mine, some of them right off a calendar or out of ‘Tom Sawyer,’ ” wrote Dick Cavett in his autobiography, “Cavett,” in 1974.

    Happy birthday Dick Cavett (wiki)

  • Anagram Brando Conversation (Previous Post)

  • Why Dick Cavett was the greatest talk show host of all time

  • Ingmar Bergman, Bibi Andersson & Dick Cavett on youtube here.

  • Dick Cavett’s Top 10 at Criterion

  • Mel Brooks, Frank Captra Peter Bogdanovich, Robert Altman on Dick Cavett Show

  • (Orson Welles Interviews Dick Cavett.)
    Assorted hijinks an interview with Dick Cavett (Paris View)