Go Diving with Tao Lin

Le monde du silence: Opening shot – Jacques-Yves Cousteau & Louis Malle, 1957

Tao Lin underwater hamster (Reader of Depressing Books Blog)
Gas-powered oceantaolin1sunfish -alligator hybrid
Network card’s raft taolin21 ride to freedom realizing it’s fucked

Literature is inside of life

Tao Lin has developed his own unmistakable and unique style by utilizing a contagiously honest way of writing. Marcelo Ballvé discusses Bed and Eeeee eee eeee with the author.

Exactly What I Want

I want three friends within a 40 mile radius; one 5 miles, one 10 miles, one 30 miles, two females and one male. The male should talk very slowly and laugh at almost everything I say. I want to send one of the females mixed CDs very often and her send me mixed CDs very often but rarely see her in real life. The other female I want to see in the daytime sometimes for lunch. -more here)

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