Flying with Kate Millett

  • Kate Millet
    by Alice Neel

    Happy Birthday Kate Millett – Sept 14, 1934

    Millett’s deeply personal autobiographical works, including Flying (1974), Sita (1977), and A.D. (1995), reveal the difficulties she has faced in her public and private life.

    Sexual Politics was circulated before the publication of her thesis.

    Kate Millett is an artist katemillet and a feminist.

    See her with her sculpture from Feminist Art movement

    Her book Flying (1974) tells of her marriage with a Japanese sculptor and her love affairs with women.

    Fumio Yoshimura Sculpturefumio

    Yes she has lost mind once – Her Loony Bin Trip.

    “Not since Ken Kesey’s One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest has the literature of madness emitted such a powerful anti-institutional cry.” — Washington Post ADVANCE PRAISE “The forced incarceration, the mental anguish, and the sheer humiliation of ‘going mad’ are made real in Millett’s detailed and passionate narrative of her own experiences.

    “The Basement” was disturbing but I had to read it.
    Here is a review of the Basement by Duncan Mitchell

    Happy Kate katemillett by Hyder in 1994.


    Of course she went to Iran.

    In 1981 Millett published Going to Iran, which was a new journalistic account of a trip she made to Iran in March 1979 to address Iranian feminists on International Women’s Day. The Shah of Iran had just abdicated, and the Ayatollah Khomeini had not yet fully consolidated his power. Nevertheless, Millett was soon expelled by the fundamentalist government for her feminist views. The chronicle is recorded in the rigorously honest style of her earlier works. (via)

    The Return of the Troublemaker

    Society has lost its patience. So why isn’t she more downhearted? She smiles and says it’s because she is having too much fun. “I love making trouble. It’s a wonderful job. You don’t get paid but you have a lot of adventures.”