Archive for January, 2011

In Memoriam 2010

Sunday, January 2nd, 2011

Kazuo Ohno kazuo_ohno October 27, 1906 – June 1, 2010

In Memoriam: a toast to some of those who left us in 2010.
Kazuo Ohno, Dennis Hopper, Claude Chabrol, Howard Zinn, Louise Bourgeois
David Markson, Sigma Polke, Henryk Gorecki, Jill Johnston, Arakawa Shusaku,
Arthur Penn, Jose Saramago, Benoit Mandelbrot, Nathan Oliveira, Takamine Hideko
and Denis Dutton

Howard Zinn

Dennis Hopper in great photo here.
Dennis Hopper reciting poem at Johnny Cash show

Arakawa changed his mind

Louise Bourgeois (I thought she was going to live forever)

David Markson (June 4, 2010)

Nonlinear. Discontinuous. Collage-like. An assemblage.
Self-evident enough to scarcely need Writer’s say-so.

Arthur Penn arthurnpenn2 a Director Attuned to His Country

Simar Polke the great artist (June 11) <> Bric-a- Bra-C

Jose Saramago

Claude Chabrol

Allan Sillitoe(Loneliness of long distance runner) and Dan Asher (next post)

Jill Johnston (Sept 18, 2010 –
Thespian lemonist, dance cricket, and irrepressible funster)

Benoit Mandelbrot (Fractal)

Henryk Gorecki

Nathan Oliveira

Denis Dutton (Universal Connoisseur)

  • Takamine Hideko takamine
    When a Woman Ascends the Stairs 1960

    Here is Taylor Mead who celebrated his birthday on New Year’s Eve.
    Let’s have Champagne(Coffee and Cigarette)