The Weight of Harold Bloom & His Western Canon

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    Derrida and Harold Bloom

    Guardian Obit

  • Question-one-should-never-ask-about-work-art – Stanley Fish

  • Harold Bloom on the Band
    (Harold Bloom thought Levon Helm was the heart and soul of the Band)

    On Iris Murdoch

    In his edited volume on Iris Murdoch, Harold Bloom wrote that no contemporary British novelist could rival her skill. The Good Apprentice and Bruno’s Dream were both included in Bloom’s Western Canon, and he also admired The Black Prince and The Word Child.

    In his New York Times review of The Good Apprentice, Bloom wrote that “Of all her talents, the gift of plotting is the most formidable, including a near-Shakespearean faculty for intricate double plots.” He describes her as “a religious fabulist, of an original and unorthodox sort” who “thinks for herself theologically as well as philosophically,” starting out as an existentialist before turning to a kind of post-Christian Platonism.(via)


    Walter Benjamin, Iris and Derrida (previous post)