Professional Identity Crisis – Carrie Y. Costello

(Click babicka to see the translation – sound as babichika )
Smiling BabickaBabicka has an announcement:

Carrie Yang Costello is interviewed by Scott McLemee.
“How people rehearse that character is the topic of Carrie Young Costello’s Professional Identity Crisis…”
“Costello finds that there is an undeclared yet unmistakable WASP accent to the professional roles that students are training to acquire. Along with technical expertise, they have to assimilate the necessary demeanor and attitude. For students of some backgrounds, that presents no real difficulties — so they can, as Costello puts it, “focus on the intellectual tasks of professional school with little distraction.” But for those with “a mismatch between the personal identities they possess upon entering their professional programs and the professional roles those schools proffer,” there can be a jarring dissonance. “Seeking to find a way to manage or resolve their identity dissonance distracts students from focusing on their studies,” writes Costello.”(from Feministe Law Professors blog)
Carrie will have a book signing tomorrow 7 p.m. at Schwartz’s Bookshop 2559 N. Downer Ave, Milwaukee.

The Book Carrie Y. Costello Professional Identity Crisis

The Sample chapters and revealing photos here

Carrie is not scheduled to appear on Oprah yet and I can assure you that everything she writes is based on fact.
More facts about Carrie, her daughter and myself check Nina’s Miso soup blog – (Voir La Famille de Ninnette).
Nina wrote, “C’est ma mère. Elle est un professeur. Elle n’est pas timide” – This is my mother. She is a professor. She is not shy.