Matthias Schoenaerts – From Antwerp to Hollywood – 2015

  • 1aMatthiasS2

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    Matthias Schoenaerts was born on December 8, 1977 in Antwerp, Belgium.

    Is a graffiti artist under the pseudonym “Zenith”.

    Has appeared in Belgian, Dutch, French, American and British films.

    Filmed four movies in 2013: A Little Chaos (2014), The Drop (2014), Suite Française (2014) and Far from the Madding Crowd (2015).

    on the first time he saw Marion Cotillard on the set of Rust and Bone 2012)I saw Marion before the rehearsal, she was in a wheelchair, she looked totally depressed and I thought … ‘It’s not going to work out very well with Marion’ and I thought ‘What do I do? Should I talk to her?’ It wasn’t until we started rehearsing that I realized she was totally in Stéphanie’s world already. She’d actually become Stéphanie. It made me really scared. She is an exceptional actress and she does everything to her utmost ability. Jacques Audiard is always highly demanding, very sensitive, highly intelligent and he enables us to expand and develop and move into areas that we might never have thought of, so I was very very happy to be in this film with Marion, to work with Jacques, it was overwhelming. It was a tremendous gift.

    Kate Winslet on Matt (youtube)

  • Disorder is directed by Alice Winocure who also directed “Home” and “Augustine”.