Nancy Spero R.I.P

Nancy Spero images with Miles Davis soundtrack on youtube

Nancy Spero – Aug 24 1926 – October 18, 2009

Obit from Edward Winkleman

Feminist art pioneer Nancy Spero passed away at NYU Hospital yesterday according to friends of the family. Having only met Nancy once (when she received the Visual AIDS Vanguard Award in 2007), she was always a more of a legend in my mind than personal acquaintance, and so I’ll leave the proper eulogies to those who knew her better and simply note that just the other day in conversation, discussing who should represent the US at the next Venice Biennial, she was the only artist we could agree on.
My thoughts go out to her family and friends

<> <> exposic-spero-bugThe bug helicoptor, victim


Installation view from PBS Art 21 (via)

Nancy golub and Leon Golub

We Love Our Leader

Nancy Spero – Artnet

I have deliberately attempted to distance my art from the Western emphasis on the subjective portrayal of individuality by using a hand-printing and collage technique utilizing zinc plates as an artist’s tool instead of a brush or palette knife. Figures derived from various cultures co-exist in simultaneous time… The figures themselves could become hieroglyphs–extensions of a text denoting rites of passage, birth to old age, motion and gesture…Woman as activator or protagonist dancing in procession, elegiac or celebrator a continuous presence, engaged directly or glimpsed peripherally; the eye, as a moving camera, scans the re-imaging of women.”

Her book nancybook

Nancy Spero Astro Chart

In Conversation – Nancy Spero at Brooklyn Rail
(Don’t miss how Ivan Karp who worked for Castelli at that time insulted Nancy Spero when she showed her drawings to him)

Nancy Spero, an American artist and feminist whose tough, exquisite figurative art addressed the realities of political violence, died on Sunday in Manhattan. She was 83 and lived in Manhattan.
NYtimes Obit

Nancy Spero’s death means the art world loses its conscience
A vital, energetic artist who could be funny as well as macabre, Nancy Spero never lost her curiosity in the world – Adriane Seale

R.I.P. Nancy Spero – We will miss you greatly.
Husband and wife paint violence – that was how I described you, the greatest partnership in the history of art.
You have re-imagined the feminist figures away from the convention.
Thank you!