Allende – September 11, 1973

  • 1973: Democratically elected President Salvador Allende moments away from death during military coup at Moneda presidential palace in Chile. (World Press Photo Winners – Orlando Lagos)

  • Ken Loach Chile 1973

    Salvador Allende Age 4 Photo via

    A line from Salvador Allende

    Balancing between abstract
    expressionism & futurism
    the calm metal instrument
    of my voice tweaks the once-

    sacred double-helix to create
    pyramids in bold colors &
    textures. Exquisite tropes. The
    great avenues will open again.

    Mark Young Sept 19 2011 (gamma way from Australia)

    Isabel Allende (Mother Jones) interview.

    Isabel Allende went into exile after her uncle, Chilean president Salvador Allende, was overthrown in a CIA-assisted coup in 1973. She traveled, worked as a journalist, and wrote her books, “The House of the Spirits,” “Of Love and Shadows,” “Eva Luna,” and “The Stories of Eva Luna.” Her latest novel, “The Infinite Plan,” is set, as is she, in Northern California.