Anagram, Brando, Conversation & Depression – ABCD of Dick Cavett

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  • 10 good Dick Cavett show episodes that prove good conversation makes good TV.

    A Last Look at Updike and Cheever by Dick Cavett.

    Alain Delon and Cavett played Jeu de mots . (youtube)


    Two videos of Ingmar Bergman on Dick Cavett Show, his first and only appearance on American TV show.

    Amazing Anthony Burgess (youtube)

    Jill Jonhston and Dick Cavett 1JillandCavet

    Robert Altman talks about movie stuff (Youtube)

  • In 2008 Cavett entered an Iraq war dispute with a New York Times blog entry criticizing General David Petraeus, stating “I can’t look at Petraeus—his uniform ornamented like a Christmas tree with honors, medals, and ribbons—without thinking of the great Mort Sahl at the peak of his brilliance.” Cavett went on to recall Sahl’s expressed contempt of General Westmoreland’s display of medals, and criticized Petraeus for not speaking in plain language.

    Cavett currently stars in Hellman v. McCarthy (Literary Legends Declare War!) in New York City’s Abingdon Theatre. Cavett re-enacts his show of January 25, 1980 when literary critic Mary McCarthy appeared as a guest and declared that every word playwright Lillian Hellman wrote was a lie, including ‘and’ and ‘the’. Hellman later sued McCarthy for libel. The suit spanned more than four years.

    Psychology today.. talking about his Depresson.

    On the Couch… with Dick Cavett
    An American icon shares wit and wisdom about living with depression.

    Happy birthday Dick Cavett