Isamu Noguchi, Saburo Hasegawa & Yoshiko Yamaguchi

  • Via

    Isamu Noguchi and Saburo Hasegawa: A Friendship Nearly Lost to Art History

    Even decades after Saburo Hasegawa’s death, the artist and designer Isamu Noguchi would describe his friendship with Hasegawa as an “everlasting conversation.”

    <> <>How Noguchi SF Story Transformed Asian art & culture

    Saburo Hasegawa, Isamu Noguchi and YoshikoYamaguchi at Uransenke Konnichi-an estate,Kyoto, c. 1952

  • 1aCharlieIsamuEames
    Tea Ceremony At Eames house

    Drinking Tea Tom Sachs (see many photos, including Isamu Noguchi, Charlie Chaplin tea ceremony photo).

  • Noguchi went to the Camp to help (New Yorker)

  • Noguchi Garden
    Isamu Noguchi previous post (See his Rose Garden in Jerusalem)

  • Yoshiko Yamaguchi
    and Isamu Noguchi