Foucault Funhouse

Foucault an Introduction – Part 1, Psychiatry, Power, Oppression, Depression, Philosophy

Michel Foucualt

Michel Foucalut was born on 15 October 1926 (Same birthday as Friedrich Nietzsche)

RIchard Hamilton 1richhamilton-picasso-s-meninas-1973 Picasso’s Meninas

Les Mots et Les Choses (The Order of Things)

The book opens with an extended discussion of Diego Velázquez’s painting Las Meninas and its complex arrangement of sightlines, hiddenness, and appearance. Then it develops its central claim: that all periods of history have possessed certain underlying conditions of truth that constituted what was acceptable as, for example, scientific discourse. Foucault argues that these conditions of discourse have changed over time, from one period’s episteme to another. Jean Piaget, in Structuralism,[1] compared Foucault’s episteme to Thomas Kuhn’s notion of a paradigm. Foucault demonstrates the parallelisms in the development of three fields: linguistics, biology, and economics.

Click to view Images From The Writings Of Michel Foucault (Youtube)

These were culled from a variety of French philosopher Michel Foucault’s works – from the early “Madness and Civilization” (1965) through the last two published volumes of “The History of Sexuality” (1985-1986) – and some key essays …

In order:

1. Michel Foucault, cover illustration for Alan Sheridan’s ‘The Will To Truth’;
2. The Ship of Fools (‘Madness and Civilization’)
3. Marquis de Sade, by Man Ray (‘The Order of Things’)
4. ‘Las Meninas’, by Velazquez (‘The Order of Things’)
5. Friedrich Nietzsche, by Munch (‘Nietzsche, Genealogy, History’)
6. Don Quixote, by Picasso (‘The Order of Things’)
7. Jeremy Bentham’s Panopticon (‘Discipline and Punish’)
8. Jeremy Bentham (‘Discipline and Punish’)
9. Philippe Pinel (‘Madness and Civilization’)
10. Friedrich Hoelderlin (‘The Father’s “No” ‘)
11. David Ricardo (‘The Order of Things’)
12. Georges Bataille {‘Preface to Transgression’)
13. Jorge Luis Borges (‘The Order of Things’) (continue below)
(see more from youtube comment)

Michel Foucault 1MichelFoucaultsingssings his philosophy through a surreal collage landscape. The film is from a series of mini-musicals based on the works of the great philosophers.

NOTHING IS FUNDAMENTAL by Victor Bellomo & David Pace (3 min)

Badiou interviews Michel Foucault (1965) 1/3 English Subtitles (youtube)

The Dark Brain of Piranesi (previous post -scroll down to see Michel Foucault and Noam Chomsky debate).