Elizabeth Taylor in Iran Part II

  • The Dazzling Beauty of Elizabeth Taylor in Iran

  • Elizabeth Taylor was born on Feb 27, 1932

  • Elizabeth Taylor Her Place in the Sun”> (Previous Post)

  • Monty Clift was her best friend

  • 1taylorjames
    (Taylor with James Dean)

  • HIV Activism
    Taylor was one of the first celebrities to participate in HIV/AIDS activism and helped to raise more than $270 million for the cause.[65] She began her philanthropic work after becoming frustrated with the fact that very little was being done to combat the disease despite the media attention.[66] She later explained for Vanity Fair that she “decided that with my name, I could open certain doors, that I was a commodity in myself – and I’m not talking as an actress. I could take the fame I’d resented and tried to get away from for so many years – but you can never get away from it – and use it to do some good. I wanted to retire, but the tabloids wouldn’t let me. So, I thought: If you’re going to screw me over, I’ll use you