August Memo

Rhada II For Jean Renoir and Rumer Godden (ref. The River)

Rhada II digital art by Fung-Lin Hall

On this day

August 1,1873 First cable streetcar: Andrew Hallidie’s invention has its test run on Clay Street Hill, San Francisco. It went into operation a month later.

August 1,1944 – Anne Frank: The young diarist makes her last entry. Her family was found by the Nazis and taken to concentration camps. Her diary described their previous 756 days of hiding.

Henri Cartier Bresson died on August 3, 2004.

Cartier Bresson’s Decisive Moments on youtube.

How many of them are you able to identify?
Some of these people have been featured here.

Simone Beauvoir, Samuel Beckett, Camus, Igor Stravinksy, Carl Jung.

Sidebar menu has Susan Sontag and Matisse under Morocco.

Seeing Huston’s Freud (the misadventure of Sartre’s writing script for John Huston).

Let’s get the gossip out of the way.

Huston’s decision to have Sartre write the script provides me with the most fun. “Sartre was a little barrel of a man,” Huston wrote in his autobiography,1 and said in his Playboy interview: “He was without egotism and was probably the ugliest man I have ever laid eyes on–one eye going in one direction, and the eye itself wasn’t very beautiful, like an omelet. And this pitted face.”2 Huston took Sartre to his castle at St. Clerans in Galway. There, during their story conferences, Huston tried to hypnotize Sartre. (Norman N. Holland)

Mr. Sartre goes to Hollywood.

Happy Birthday to Diane Wakoski.
Diane Wakoski was born August 3, 1937.
Two poems by Diane Wakoski
Red Bandana and the Hitchhikers.

John Huston was born 100 years ago, August 5, 1906.
Celebrating John Huston at slate picture gallery, here.