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Viva Rebecca Horn & Lawrence Ferlingetti -March 24 2019

Sunday, March 24th, 2019
  • Happy birthday Rebecca Horn and Lawrence Ferlingetti
    (Underwear, Unicorn body suit – previous post)

  • Rebecca Horn, Body, Art installations

  • <> <>
    Dreaming Stones – Rebecca Horn.

  • Lawrence is 100 years old today!

    Little Boy (LA Times)

    Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s ‘Little Boy’ reveals his life before the San Francisco beat scene

    Rebecca Horn- Concert for Anarchy

    Thursday, March 24th, 2005

    The wild flowers are in full bloom in the desert and today is a birthday of Rebecca Horn and Lawrence Ferlinghetti.

    Rebecca Horn, Body, Art installations

    “Her discourse is charged with emotional tension but the representation is cool and calculated. Even the apparent contradiction between form and content helps to keep up the concentration her work demands. The most impressive piece in the Octagon room is Concert for Anarchy. A grand piano hanging upside down from the ceiling follows the pattern of the other sculptures: suddenly the keyboard cover opens and with spasmodic violence spills out the keys. After a few minutes it retracts back into itself with an extraneous release of energy, the absurdity and the violence of the piece creating a sense of uncertainty and a simple question: What is next?…”

    More images are here.

    Her early works – Berlin Exercises in nine pieces are here.

  • Concert for AnarchyConcert for Anarchy

  • Artaud’s Train is here.

    (Underwear, Unicorn body suit – previous post)

  • Rebecca Horn, Body, Art installations

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    Dreaming Stones – Rebecca Horn.

  • Rebecca Horn was born March 24, 1944, in Michelstadt, Germany. As a young girl, Horn read Johann Valentin Andreae’s Die chymische Hochzeit des Christian Rosenkreutz and Raymond Roussel’s Locus Solus, which cultivated the artist’s interest in alchemy, Surrealist machines, and the absurd. Studying at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Hamburg from 1964 to 1970, Horn was inspired by the writings of Franz Kafka and Jean Genet and the films of Luis Buñuel and Pier Paolo Pasolini. The most profound influence on Horn’s development as an artist, however, was a lung condition contracted in 1968 that forced her to stop using certain sculptural materials. A subsequent period of convalescence at a sanatorium inspired a series of sculptures concerned with the body, isolation, and vulnerability. Horn turned to soft materials, reminiscent of bandages and prostheses, and began making her body-extension sculptures.
    (Excerpts from here.)

    Rebecca Horn is Aires Monkey, the crafty chatterbox.

    Rebecca’s Sun and Moon are in Aries (the same as Marlon Brando and June Chang).
    The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces in you a truly explosive personality; dynamic, hard hitting, powerful, and magnetic. Independence and self-confidence may be so intensified that they become a stumbling block in personal relationships, if they are not somewhat tamed. You are an individualist first, last, and always. You are extremely impatient with people, sometimes to the extent of being intolerant. People may view you as hardboiled because of a tendency for you to be too matter-of-fact. You do express yourself readily and forcefully, with considerable dramatic effect. It’s painfully difficult for you to listen to and understand the woes of others. Your mind is always active: reading, talking, discussing. When it comes to getting things done and done rapidly, your talents can fill the bill (from here.)

    <> <> <> Untitled

    Buster’s Bedroom – just found out about this film today..

    Director: Rebecca Horn
    Starring: Donald Sutherland, Geraldine Chaplin, Amanda Ooms and Valentina Cortese
    Release: 1992
    Origin: Canada
    Genre: International, Drama
    Duration: 103 min.
    Language: English
    Price: $25.00

    A film student fascinated by Buster Keaton decides to visit Nirvana House, a sanatorium in the California desert where the actor stayed after the end of the silent film era. In charge is Dr. O’Connor (Donald Sutherland), an eccentric who experiments with venom and believes that great strength can be derived from complete inertia. The clinic’s oddball patients include an alcoholic former stuntwoman, an ex-pianist who believes that his ideal of silent music can be achieved by destroying his grand pianos, a former actress who collects her former lovers’ “souls” in the form of butterflies, and a man who thinks he’s a bee and goes around collecting nectar. Everyone soon comes to realize that the meaning of life resides in change, the source of true freedom.

    Underwear and Unicorn Body Suit – Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Rebbeca Horn

    Sunday, March 24th, 2013
  • I didn’t get much sleep last night
    thinking about underwear
    Have you ever stopped to consider
    underwear in the abstract
    When you really dig into it
    some shocking problems are raised
    Underwear is something
    we all have to deal with
    Everyone wears
    some kind of underwear
    The Pope wears underwear I hope
    The Governor of Louisiana
    wears underwear
    I saw him on TV
    He must have had tight underwear
    He squirmed a lot (excerpt from Poetry Foundation)

    Happy birthday Lawrence Ferlinghetti!
    Photo by Elsa Dorfman

  • See his paintings

    Lawrence as the statue of liberty

    Pity thy Nation (youtube reading)

  • Rebecca Horn Photo by Evelyn Hofer

    Her birthday too.. (see previous post – the upside down Piano etc).
    Concert for Anarchy

    Rebecca Horn was born March 24, 1944, in Michelstadt, Germany. As a young girl, Horn read Johann Valentin Andreae’s Die chymische Hochzeit des Christian Rosenkreutz and Raymond Roussel’s Locus Solus, which cultivated the artist’s interest in alchemy, Surrealist machines, and the absurd.

    Murmuration Squidsoup at Scottsdale Contemporary Museum

    Saturday, December 14th, 2019

  • Murmuration

    Squidsoup returns to Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMoCA) with a site-specific artwork that uses a networked data system to connect hundreds of lights and audio sources, creating a responsive data swarm. During the daytime, “Murmuration” offers a harmonious auditory experience, but when the sun goes down, a dynamic audiovisual experience swirls around SMoCA like its namesake—a term for a flock of starlings whirling in unison through the sky.

    Image credit: “Murmuration” rendering by Squidsoup

    Counter-Landscapes-Performative-Actions from the 1970’s

  • Digital image by Fung Lin Hall

  • Exhibition includes works by Allora Calzodilla
    (See part i and parti)

    And Rebecca Horn

  • Counter-Landscapes: Performative Actions from the 1970s – Now presents a group of artists working in both natural and urban environments whose work exploits the power of place to address issues of social, environmental, and personal transformation. Through a focused selection of key works made between 1970 and 2019, which extend beyond traditional categories, Counter-Landscapes illuminates how the strategies created by women artists in the 1970s and 1980s are employed by artists today. Developing a practice of performative actions, these artists countered the culture that surrounded and oppressed them by embodying the live elements of performance art in order to push for social change.

    Featuring photography, video, sculpture, painting, drawing, performance, and installation centered on performance in the landscape, the exhibition initiates a dialogue across generations, locations, and genders. It brings the work of an innovative generation of women artists—Marina Abramović, Eleanor Antin, Agnes Denes, VALIE EXPORT, Rebecca Horn, Leslie Labowitz, Suzanne Lacy, Ana Mendieta, Adrian Piper, Lotty Rosenfeld, Bonnie Ora Sherk, Beth Ames Swartz, and Mierle Laderman Ukeles—together with more recent work by artists who have adopted and extended their methods. These artists, both male and female, include Allora & Calzadilla, Francis Alÿs, Angela Ellsworth, Ana Teresa Fernández, Maria Hupfield, Saskia Jordá, Christian Philipp Müller, Pope.L, Sarah Cameron Sunde, Zhou Tao, and Antonia Wright. Counter-Landscapes shows how, in the process of overcoming the extraordinary obstacles they faced as women, artists working in the landscape in the late 20th century developed inventive methodologies that have profoundly influenced younger artists and changed the face of the art world. Ultimately, the works underline and emphasize the pervasiveness of the feminist legacy, which is too often neglected, marginalized, and undervalued.Counter-Landscapes-Performative-Actions from the 1970’s

  • Čínská Restaurace

    Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008

    Tony and daughters came to SF for wonderful food and company. (Found youtube)

    They obviously did not go to Fun Fin Fin fsfs – fake squid fast stop – Chinese Restaurant.
    Jurgen, Hal and I prefer the Chinese Noodle houses – they are within our budget. They serve noodles, duck and rice soup and other standard Chinese food. Jurgen and Hal have never met in real life but that does not stop them from talking and choking on German artists. (Do not miss the great videos of Rebecca Horn and Eva Hesse).

    Speaking of Noodle house, Milan Kundera was linked at my Noodle Place post I did last year February.
    (Very chop suey like – with an image of “Debt to Pleasure – Imagining Kundera, Kureishi and Tanizaki”)

    Chop Suey edhopper1
    by Edward Hopper

    There are number of interesting films that came out of the Independant cinema world about Chinese restaurants in overseas.

    Vivian Wu in Kinamand kinamand

    “Chinaman”: the unconventional love story of a Danish plumber and the restaurant proprietor’s sister whose only hope of obtaining a residence permit is marrying a Danish national.

    Trailer here (without English subtitles)

    Trailer for “Combination Platter” – Tony Chan made this film.

    See Čínská Restaurace in Prague. I have never been to this restaurant. The friend of a Czech family I knew fixed a Chinese dish to show off his skill once. Many Czech restaurants have one Chinese dish in their menu among goulash, dumplings and Palacinky (pancakes). It does not matter what you eat, wonderful pivo (Czech pilsner) beer washes down the food. At the train station stops you often see people drinking pivo at 8 am before their commute to work. “Ceske Pivo, Prosim” “How dare Milan leaving Pivo country! We will go after you like the befuddled tourists who get arrested in our public transport; their crime: not knowing where to buy the ticket.” Ticket booth is no where to be found, no gate to go through etc. Very mysterious system. (I don’t know if the Prague police are still harassing the passengers today. You pay a large fine on the spot to the police of course. For foreigners only.)