Archive for the 'Sports' Category

Amadeus and Marcos Baghdatis

Friday, January 27th, 2006

You were simply amazing!Marcos Baghdatis Marcos Baghdatis

A little miracle and joy spread to the world with the appearance of a young Tennis player from Cyprus.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Morzart
Birthday (250 years old) of Mozart googled and rearranged for your eyes and not for wrapping chocolates in order that Tom Hanks could say the words some of us detest.

Piano Sonata (Listen)
Don Giovanni was composed in Prague, read more at Mozart Praha 2006

Quiz: Can you tell Mozart from Salieri? Listen here.

Skull mystery and his diary

“Author Mario Livio has studied the relationship between art and mathematics. He tells Michele Norris most of us are attracted to symmetry spiced by some elements of surprise… and that combo is the essence of Mozart’s music.” (from NPR)

Glenn Gould playing Mozart? Found one article on this subject and samples to listen here.
“It is precisely Gould’s wrong-headedness that makes his Mozart so interesting; that, and a keyboard technique that was the envy of six continents. Gould’s avowed dislike of Mozart’s music is impossible to fathom in view of the obvious intelligence and hard work that went into these performances.”

(I think G. G was jealous and competitive with Mozart.)

Mozart had Sun Aquarius Moon in Sagittarius (same as Yoko Ono)
“you have the qualities of an uncompromising intellectual; honesty, strong opinions, and a broad viewpoint on world affairs. … are impulsively quick to act on … ideas, advanced and revolutionary as they may sometimes be. … believe in getting things done, and done in shortest possible time, employing the most innovative methods … can devise.” from here.
His chart

Auden on Mozart: Metalogue to the Magic Flute (Kyle Gann’s Postclassic)

Mozart and films and the best of all was by Ingmar Bergman’s The Magic Flute.

Princess Diaries – Sasha Cohen and Shahzia Sikander

Sunday, January 15th, 2006

Romeo and Juliet at Marshall 2005

Sasha CohenIndian Miniture

Sasha Cohen won her first US Gold last night! The image on the right
is by Shahzia Sikander, see more at Crownpoint Press and here.

The two elegant, exquisite lolitas or (Princesses) are growing and maturing as artists – both naturally gifted one with pen and brushes, another with skates on ice. Both are endowed with genuine creative spirits.

Sasha is a Scorpio Rat “This person is generally lithe and agile as well as quick-spirited. He or she will probably enjoy all manner of graceful sport and prove able at competitive games”

Off ice Sasha takes cooking lessons, designs clothes and talks to her fans from her website.

Reflect Sikander Reflect by S. Sikander

Shahzia was born in Lahore, Pakistan and graduated from Rhode Island School of Design.
“IB: You began your interrogation of miniature painting in the late 1980s in Pakistan at the National College of Art in Lahore. What was your initial interest in working this way?
SS: I elected to work in the miniature format in 1988 during my second semester of foundation year at school. The choice itself was an act of defiance. At that time, there was no interest in the miniature painting department ” (via)

“Shahzia Sikander: No. I’m interested in the very fine play with tradition, but the intention was not to subvert or to reinvent, but definitely to take it on, to learn the language before you can talk.”
(Via A Conversation with Shirin Neshat and Shahzia Sikander)

Another Princess, Chelsea was spotted in India.
Why Chelsea Clinton visited Rajasthan? (via 3quarksdaily)
Margaret Cho visited India too, read her blog and see the pictures.