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The Point of Honor – Joseph Conrad

Saturday, December 16th, 2006

Joseph Conrad 1863 Joseph Conrad 1863

Here is the answer to the recent film quiz: Joeseph Conrad wrote the story of two Napoleonic soldiers engaged in duels for decades, which was adapted into a film called “The Duellists” by Ridley Scott.

The Duel

NAPOLEON I, whose career had the quality of duel against the whole of Europe, disliked duelling between the officers of his army. The great military emperor was not a swashbuckler, and had little respect for tradition.
Nevertheless, a story of duelling, which became a legend in the army, runs through the epic of imperial wars. To the surprise and admiration of their fellows, two officers, like insane artists trying to gild refined gold or paint the lily, pursued a private contest through the years of universal carnage.

The Point of Honor by Joseph Conrad (via)

Authors’ note

The truth is that in my mind the story is nothing but a serious and even earnest attempt at a bit of historical fiction. I had heard in my boyhood a good deal of the great Napoleonic legend. I had a genuine feeling that I would find myself at home in it, and The Duel is the result of that feeling, or, if the reader prefers, of that presumption

…….because in truth that is exactly what I was trying to capture in my small net: the Spirit of the Epoch — never purely militarist in the long clash of arms, youthful, almost childlike in its exaltation of sentiment — naively heroic in its faith. 1920 J.C.

Honor and Hairstyle

Wednesday, December 13th, 2006

Film quiz
1 Name this film and who directed it.

2. Whose story was it based on?
Pick the correct answer.
a Leo Tolstoy
b Joseph Conrad
c Ivan Turgenev
d Arthur Schnitzler

The answer is here.

Costume and Sand

Wednesday, February 17th, 2010

The Russian Princess isabelle in a sailor suit. Who is she?

She was born on 17 February 1877

Her birthday celebration in the last Olympics year 2006
Costumes, Ice and Sand, the Princess and the figure skaters

Paul Bowles has translated some of her work into English. The Oblivion Seekers (City Lights Publishing, 1975) consists of 13 different short pieces translated by Bowles for publication in 1972.)

Check other nameless children
Click the photos to see who they are.

Name These Children

Wednesday, July 15th, 2009

She is a free Spirit stanley
Her son’s tribute on youtube here.

“She is an intrepid Soul” doris2
Described by Margaret Atwood.

Is he self conscious? john-updike-200x345

Click the photos to see who they are.